Tuesday, May 4, 2010

MVOTD: Wavves - "So Bored" - Home Improvement Wipes Version

So I always kind of hated Home Improvement for its insufferable "manliness" and general lack of comedic value (possibly also because I had the hots for JTT), and yet I always remember watching reruns of it because it fell in the line of Cosby Show, Simpsons, and Seinfeld reruns that would play on Fox after I got home from school. The show may not have been that funny, but it did contain a slew of interesting video wipe transitions between scenes, which have thankfully now been collected in a single music video set to the strangely appropriate Wavves song "So Bored."

So what's everybody's personal favorite wipe? Mine is playground swing that swings back and then comes straight at the camera. Unexpected, evocative of childhood, possible Ikiru reference. What's not to love?

Monday, May 3, 2010

IndieGamingLove: MineCraft

Do you like soft, soothing music? Do you feel the urge to create? Do you like exploring little 8-bit worlds seemingly created by the collective sub-conscious of the internet? Then MineCraft is right for you. Jump in. You don't need to download anything unless you somehow don't have Java.  The worlds are amusing and you'll be amazed by all the work people have put in to create these virtual kingdoms. I myself was sucked in and created my own 8-bit Playground. Look at my beautiful wonderland. Sometimes my server is running, too, under the name '8-bit Playground'. Join me if it's online.