Tuesday, May 4, 2010

MVOTD: Wavves - "So Bored" - Home Improvement Wipes Version

So I always kind of hated Home Improvement for its insufferable "manliness" and general lack of comedic value (possibly also because I had the hots for JTT), and yet I always remember watching reruns of it because it fell in the line of Cosby Show, Simpsons, and Seinfeld reruns that would play on Fox after I got home from school. The show may not have been that funny, but it did contain a slew of interesting video wipe transitions between scenes, which have thankfully now been collected in a single music video set to the strangely appropriate Wavves song "So Bored."

So what's everybody's personal favorite wipe? Mine is playground swing that swings back and then comes straight at the camera. Unexpected, evocative of childhood, possible Ikiru reference. What's not to love?

Monday, May 3, 2010

IndieGamingLove: MineCraft

Do you like soft, soothing music? Do you feel the urge to create? Do you like exploring little 8-bit worlds seemingly created by the collective sub-conscious of the internet? Then MineCraft is right for you. Jump in. You don't need to download anything unless you somehow don't have Java.  The worlds are amusing and you'll be amazed by all the work people have put in to create these virtual kingdoms. I myself was sucked in and created my own 8-bit Playground. Look at my beautiful wonderland. Sometimes my server is running, too, under the name '8-bit Playground'. Join me if it's online.

Friday, April 30, 2010

I Just Want to Give Up and Die: Illegal Grasshoppers Edition

I have a hunch this feature is gonna get updated with increasing frequency as the immigration debate heats back up. Here now, United States Representative Ted Poe (R-TX), mystified as to why brown people can't be kept out of this country as easily as grasshoppers:


I just want to give up and die.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

MVOTD: Ben Lee - "Song for the Divine Mother of the Universe"

Space Monkey from Leo Burnett on Vimeo.

I feel kinda meh about this song, but the video, in which a space monkey returns to a destroyed Earth, is pretty beautiful. It's very simple, and the message at the end is a little on-the-nose, but the science fiction references, the cinematography, and the facial expressions on the elderly monkey are enough to make this worth watching.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Online Super Mario Bros.

Just discovered this incredible new game, in which you can play Super Mario Bros. online. But that's not all - you can play it as any one of six different characters: Mario himself, Link from Zelda, Bill R. from Contra, Simon Belmont from Castlevania, Mega Man, or Samus from Metroid. Video game geeks or people just nostalgiac about the late 80s will, quite simply, freak the fuck out playing this. Play here.

You're welcome.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Amazing Lost Episode Posters

There's no new episode of Lost this week for some sad and insane reason, but we've got something pretty awesome here to tide us over until next week. Via /film, the artist Gideon Slife is creating posters for each and every episode of Lost. He's in the middle of season 4 right now, and his collection so far is really spectacular. You can check them all out at his flickr page, I've posted a bunch of my favorites below, either based on the art or the episode itself (or most of the time, both). You're gonna want to click to enlarge for a lot of them; each one includes a quote from the episode that is oftentimes pretty key.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Not-Quite-Faustian Bargain

You die and go to hell, where the devil proposes a game of chance. If you play on the first day you’ll have a one-half chance of winning, on the second day a two-thirds chance, and so on. If you win, you’ll go to heaven; if you lose you’ll stay in hell. When should you play?
Unfortunately, it seems you should wait forever. After a year of waiting your chance of winning would be 0.997268, but even then another day’s (presumably finite) torment would earn you 0.000007 greater chance of infinite joy.
Maybe the mere hope of heaven is worth something. But is it a valid hope if you never realize it?

New Music of the Day: MIA - Born Free

Definitely a departure from Kala and Arular....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Music of the Day: Twin Sister - "Something About Us" Daft Punk cover

Daft Punk is not an easy band to cover, yet (minus the mechanical voice) Twin Sister's cover is straightforward and faithful to the feeling of the song. Would love to have been on that rooftop last Friday.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Game: Bouncing Balls

My friend Jack directed me to this new game called Bouncing Balls, which caused me to waste pretty much my entire morning (which admittedly only started at about 10:30). Basically you are shooting a ball into a bunch of other balls, and the ones you hit disappear, and you're trying to get rid of all the red ones.

Notice that I am at level 21 already because I am awesome. Actually there are things that happen that I don't really understand - I'm not sure what hitting the green balls actually does (something good though), and sometimes whole groups of balls disappear and I'm not sure how to get that to happen. But still, very fun. Play here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jin Trapped in Weird Sideways "Seinfeld" Universe

This is just an excellent find. But what does it mean? Has Jin gone back in time, switched places with Jack, and moved to New York in the late '90s? Is Kramer Jacob? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

(Note that in last week's Hurley-centric episode, there was a reference to "the Human Fund." The pieces are all falling into place.)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MVOTD: Madonna - "Like a Prayer"

In honor of tonight's Madonna-themed Glee (which I will not be watching until tomorrow because as much as I love Glee, Lost is a show of historically awesome proportions). This has always been my favorite Madonna song - the religious overtones creep me out overall, but the use of the gospel choir is pretty effective, and I find Madonna to be at her hottest with that dark and curly hair.

IndieGamingLove: GrowTower

Grow Tower is the next in a line of games from EyeMaze that make you experiement both with how things work, and how things work best together. It's a combination of trial-and-error and a little bit of a logic game. Mostly, though, it's extremely adorable and rewarding when you get another step closer and the final solution is enough to more than compensate you for the struggle to figure out the order. See if you've got what it takes!

Play Here! And be sure to check out their other games, too!

New Music of the Day: Sun Airway - Infinity

Oh, The Colors!

Sun Airway – http://sunairway.tumblr.com/

Bump!: Hipster Time-Traveler?

“Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in Nov. 1940. 1941 (?)”

This photo was taken around 1940 and has not been digitally tampered with. So what's the deal with the young man in the contemporary-looking sunglasses, t-shirt, and camera?

Monday, April 19, 2010

R.I.P. Dede Allen

Stanley Kubrick once said that editing is the only original art form within the medium of film, cinematography being rooted in still photography, acting and directing in the theater, writing in literature. Dede Allen, a master and pioneer of this art form, passed away over the weekend at the age of 86. She edited groundbreaking classics such as The Hustler, Bonnie and Clyde, and Dog Day Afternoon. For those who haven't seen Bonnie and Clyde, put that at the top of your Netflix queue right now. Allen's contribution to the construction of that film's violent conclusion is deservedly famous, but for now check out the film's opening below. Pay attention to the way the cuts inside the bedroom intensify Faye Dunaway's performance and the sense of her character's sexual frustration, melting away into lengthier shots once she goes outside to meet Warren Beatty's Clyde.

Hardstalgia: VHS Batman Commercials

I'm pretty sure everybody had at least one movie that they would watch every single day as soon as they got home from school, for like several months.

"Pixels" by Patrick Jean


Not Cool, Claire McCaskill

You are from the state of Missouri, Senator. Do not make me start trash-talking Missouri. You will not recover. Your only noteworthy city exists exclusively because it was historically a place to stay before moving on to other, better places. I know you have to say I live in crazy town because of The Politics, but I actually kind of like it here so shut up. And stop using "nice" as a polite euphemism for "boring as all fuck."

I Just Want to Give Up and Die: Birther Mayors Edition


I went to undergrad at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was good times mostly, but the whole being-surrounded-in-every-direction-by-hundreds-of-miles-of-soy was occasionally a problem. You can get your own personal taste of that problem with the clip above. The mayor of Champaign - the mayor - is a birther. I just want to give up and die.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Deep Background: Batman on Top Edition

Deep Background: keeping you in the know on the status of my desktop background.

MVOTD: New Edition - "Candy Girl"

We just accidentally stumbled upon this while looking for something else, and man, what an awesome starting-your-day-off-right song.

Bump!: Sabre Rattling and a White Flag

Bump! Keeping great posts alive

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Music of the Day: CocoRosie - Lemonade

Review and download link after the break...

"Prior to news of CocoRosie’s forthcoming...

Harstalgia and a Belated Video Game Review: Final Fantasy 3

Finally a game that uses the full potential of the SNES

Film Archive: Repulsion (Polanski, 1965)

Film Archive: a weekly essay on movies we love. This week, Roman Polanski's 1965 psychological horror film Repulsion, starring Catherine Deneuve.

Music Video of the Day: Janet Jackson - "If"

Not sure why I have such a strong memory of this song and video. For one thing, my sister loved it - I remember her putting a pair of headphones over my ears so I could give the lyrics a careful listen (she was a corrupting influence to be sure). For another, the sexuality was explicit enough that at eight years old, even if I didn't know where exactly Janet was going when she "got there so many times" or why exactly "If you like, I'll go down" was such an attractive offer, I knew it was something worth learning more about. Not to mention, the dancing is simply fabulous.

(Sorry for the poor quality of the video - it's tragically the best YouTube has on offer.)

Hardstalgia: Batman - Mask of the Phatasm

Hardstalgia: where we reminisce in a hard-on (pun?) immature way about miscellaneous items of our consumer-culture childhood, and how we rocked at it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Counterfeiting is the sincerest form of copyright violation

During the nineteen-thirties, when the fabrication of counterfiet Picassos was at its height - his works being the most often countereited because they rated the hightest prices - an old journalist friend took a small Picasso painting belonging to some poor devil of an artist to Picasso himself for authenification, so the inmpoverished artist could sell it. "Its false," Picasso said. The friend took him another little Picasso, from a different source, and then a third. "Its false," Picasso said each time. "Now listen, Pablo," the friend said. "I watched you paint this last picture with my own eyes. Picasso replied, "I can paint false Picassos just as well as anybody." He then bought the first Picasso at four times the price the poor artist might have hoped it would fetch"
Janet Flanner's World: Uncollected Writings 1932-1975

Be Your Own Chillwave DJ

Love how the complexity and layers of chillwave music merge to create a sublime noise that you forget you have nothing else going on around you and you take a nap at 7pm only to wake up at 10pm and all your friends have gone out so you go to meet them and they're all already drunk so you do a couple shots and everyone comes back to your place to smoke more but they all fall asleep by 3am but you can't fall asleep but the suns starting to come up so you want to relax and fall asleep to the sunrise? This is where in Bb comes into play...

Go be your own ambient music sequencer.