Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Game: Bouncing Balls

My friend Jack directed me to this new game called Bouncing Balls, which caused me to waste pretty much my entire morning (which admittedly only started at about 10:30). Basically you are shooting a ball into a bunch of other balls, and the ones you hit disappear, and you're trying to get rid of all the red ones.

Notice that I am at level 21 already because I am awesome. Actually there are things that happen that I don't really understand - I'm not sure what hitting the green balls actually does (something good though), and sometimes whole groups of balls disappear and I'm not sure how to get that to happen. But still, very fun. Play here.


Brian said...

Oh, er, um, so the green ball is what causes the big groups to get hit the next time you throw a ball.

J.Harrison said...

"Actually there are things that happen that I don't really understand." <~~~I'm so glad you feel that way because I was also deeply perplexed and felt a little dumb for not catching on immediately.

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